"For It Is In Giving That We Receive" ..... A Contemplation on Generosity


In A Nutshell …

We are all on a beautiful life journey! Through the highs and lows, the enormous joys and bruises, our intent is to live our lives well, manifest our dreams, enjoy our experiences and express our unique life purpose as we grow and evolve, both individually and collectively.

 Brighter than Bright!

Our higher life purpose is intimately tied to our primary role of growing our compassion, understanding & love and then shining forth our inner light into the greater world around us. In contemplating generosity together, we see that generosity is a measure of our indwelling goodness, our unconditional Love. Famous poet and author, Khalil Gibran, defines generosity in this way:  “You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.” 

 Busy, Busy, Busy!

We all have busy lives, hectic schedules and many responsibilities & demands tugging at our sleeve.  Sometimes, it even feels as though we divide minutes into critical time periods.  But even with all we have going on, we stop to consider those much less fortunate than ourselves.  We imagine the lonely, the isolated, the hungry, the abused, the suffering, the destitute and the forgotten. We carry these images inside of us and the knowing that many are suffering.  And we care deeply.  For, as people created from spiritual origin with incredible hearts and caring souls, we believe what happens to one of us, happens to all.

 An Invitation

Most people have a tender, benevolent and generous heart.  It is exactly because of this that we are able to see there is much, much more each of us can do to relieve pain, sadness and suffering in our world … and we recognize there is much to be done.  As we spend time reflecting on generosity – our own generosity, goodness and compassion… let us free up our hearts and look closely at a few things. 

Here’s my invitation to you:

  • First, let’s tenderly identify ways in which we are not always generous in our daily life. Don’t judge yourself, just take honest note. This is a wonderful growing point for all of us.

  • Second, name specific ways your life can be a greater expression of daily generosity, imagining all the ways, at the same time, that will enrich you.

  • Third, when called upon, our world is most generous. Are there ways we can each inspire or light the lamp of greater generosity in our world? Imagine the impact, the ripple effect if each one of us were mindfully inspiring avenues of generosity in ourselves, our families, our communities or around the globe?!

As creations of gorgeous hearts and wildly generous souls, we have tremendous ability to affect much good in our lives as well as our local & global communities.  Let us answer the call of our soul to be the abundant works of generosity and inspiration we are meant to be.  We have this lifetime to use well as a living reflection echoing out our love and care to all around us.  Let us reach deep, love well, and give endlessly…

Here is a short meditation on the power and value of you!     Much Love,   Molly

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