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Power of Your Soul (Weekend Workshop)

Gifts of the Soul    (Weekend Workshop) (2).png

Power of Your Soul   (Weekend Workshop)

We are more than the janitor or CEO, husbands, wives & partners, parents and friends. We are more than the roles we live and the responsibilities we fulfill.  We feel a depth from within that tells us there is more, that yearns for enrichment, that knows our goodness, that searches for greater meaning and purpose.  Why are we here? What does it all mean? Are we enjoying fully our life experience? 

Even as we ponder these questions, it is our connection to our soul, that greater part of who we are, that provides the insight and answers to these questions.  It is this powerful connection that fuels our daily journey with inspiration, greater purpose, fulfillment and peace.  It is this powerful connection that brings perspective and a knowingness that allows levity and enjoyment to fill our days.

We walk through this life in beloved partnerships, families and groups but we are on individual journeys with precious implications. We are beings of great worth, great value and great inner depth.  Each of us has a unique footprint to leave on this earth in the way of our contributions, expressions, and generosity.  We each have great life purpose we are here to affect.  Each one of us came here for a mission specific to our individual life journey.

And, whether we are aware of this or not, we came here with incredible built in resources.  We came to this life created with powerful, inherent, inner spiritual tools that allow us to connect with our soul, with God and with all of the beautiful assistance available to help us along the way to make sense of our lives, of our circumstances, to help us enjoy our existence.  When we access these tools, we have every ability to live empowered, dynamic, compelling lives with an unwavering sense of self, a deep inner peace, and in the highest level of inspired guidance, wisdom, direction and centering.  We are unstoppable.

This course opens the pathway to the rich reservoir of your soul for bringing abundant enrichment, exhilaration and meaning to your life.

Register today for this compelling soul experience!

Dates:  Friday, April 3rd          6:30pm – 9:30pm
             Saturday, April 4th:    9:00am – 6:00pm
             Sunday, April 5th:       9:00am – 6:00pm

Cost:  $147