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God Is Your Biggest Fan! Finding the God Who Loves You

Over the centuries, we have painted the picture of a God who possesses all of the smallnesses that human beings experience along their journey: harsh, judgmental, rigid, distant, punishing.  Many well-meaning often say that God is all loving but then point to all the ways in which God is wrathful … sentencing us to ugliness if we are not perfect. 

But none of this is God.  We are deeply loved, meant to fall and rise so that we can grow, evolve and move closer to who we truly are as compassionate, caring benevolent spiritual beings alive on earth.  And we are held in the most tender, loving arms as we move throughout our journey's highs and lows.  We are deeply treasured, honored and cherished by God.  We are celebrated during our successes because it is in our joy, our peace, our exhilaration that we are meant to live.  We were created in perfection, just as we are, with our own unique and beautiful purpose for being born.  We were created with all the inner tools we need in order to experience and know these truths.

Come hear for yourself the voice of a God who Loves you.  You came with a powerful, built-in inner toolbox just for this purpose.  We shall open this amazing spiritual gift so that you can know the purpose for your life, the love that surrounds you and the support that is at your fingertips…..

November 20th    6:30 – 8:30 PM



Earlier Event: October 15
Positive Thinking, Powerful Living!
Later Event: December 13
The Holistic You ... An Energy Workshop!