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Do You Tend To Be Anxious For Nothing? How To Overcome Anxiety Now

Do You Tend To Be Anxious For Nothing? How To Get Rid Of Anxiety Now

Who This Program Serves:

If you worry and stress endlessly over things that seem simple to others, if you are overcome with pockets of stress, anxiety and fear for no reason, if your anxiety impacts your relationships or the ability to develop new ones, if you are afraid of new things, afraid bad things will happen, have irrational fears, are painfully shy, have difficulty expressing yourself, if you measure yourself against others, avoid social situations, dread interaction, skip opportunities that would be good for you, and generally find yourself to be anxious for nothing, this program and its tools will show you how to overcome your anxiety, heal the causes, replace it with the peace, empowerment and freedom you desire and deserve.  It’s time to be free! Once and for all.

Why This Program?

This weekend program provides you with highly effective training and a powerful tool for living a life free from anxiety, stress, fear and worry. By now you likely know some of your common triggers and may believe this is just who you are, a condition you are saddled with for life. But this is not true. Your anxiety is a result of things that have happened along your life that impacted how you subconsciously intake and process the events, circumstances, challenges and people that land on your path. This is what creates the harmful thoughts & feelings simmering beneath the surface that leap out and overtake you at inopportune times. During this weekend, you will gain new self awarenesses and a powerful tool for not just quickly eradicating stress but for finding your power and stepping into a new, anxiety free life of lasting peace, happiness and empowerment.

A Simple Weekend Can Change Your Whole Life

One weekend of your life, tiny dollars and your entire life experience will change.


Ample time will be provided for breaks & lunch each session.  Commute or stay overnight and relax in the many beautiful surrounding accommodations in and near Southborough. 

Give yourself the gift of a lifetime... You have the power to change your life now with 1 simple decision.  Register now to leave anxiety, stress and fear long behind'll be so glad you did!

Dates & Times:

Fri:   Aug 7th    6-9:30 PM
Sat:  Aug 8th    10-6 PM 
Sun:  Aug 9th   10-6 PM

Investment: $297