Every evening, all around the world, there are millions of elderly people falling asleep at night with tears of sadness falling onto their pillows. They are alone, frightened, and their lives are incredibly empty – void of all meaning and joy as they lay in loneliness knowing that no one at all seems to care that they are alive.
We all have inordinately busy lives with large pockets of obligation and responsibility, but is there really any pile of reasons large enough that would allow us to let our frail and vulnerable end another day in isolation and sadness?
With the goodness and love present in each of our hearts along with our inherent human desire to prevent such tragedy, let us not let one more day pass accepting and allowing our elderly to suffer in lonely sadness.
Here's Our Easy Challenge to you:
We are asking every person over the age of 18 to spend one hour each month visiting an elderly person they do not know.
Just One Hour each month. It is a tiny thing for us… but it would be an enormous gift in the lives of the elderly you visit. Our visits will fill hearts with hope, replace emptiness with promise, turn loneliness to joy, and positively impact the quality of life for so many of our elderly while they are still here on earth with us.
Together, let’s let our love and compassion come alive as we answer the call to serve and watch our actions impact the hearts of our world’s most precious and vulnerable…
You can make a difference in the life of an elder. Sign up today by clicking the LIGHT BLUE button on the left now!
After you complete each visit, hit the DARK BLUE button on the left to LOG YOUR VISIT and join the global tracking of your Compassion in Action! (The count will be updated daily! )